Shortage of freshwater resources

By Habsah Dinin And Mona Ahmad

AS a two-thirds of the known planet Earth is water, while the rest is land.

However the amount of water is not sufficient to accommodate the needs of the world's population use water because fresh water sources mostly not.

Meanwhile, the World Bank report mentions 80 countries in the world is now faced with shortage of water can affect the health and economy from 40 million to two billion people world following the difficulty to obtain supplies of clean water for daily use.

Dozens of other countries also get water from rivers in neighboring countries. Countries that include Botswana, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Congo, Gambia, Sudan and Syria, which all countries are forced to get water from the river arising from neighboring countries because of their position at the mouth.

In West Asia, the very limited water resources. In fact there are countries such as Saudi Arabia had to distill sea water for supply of raw water for drinking and daily use.

A few years ago, Iraq, Syria and Turkey with an agreement to share the river for water supply.

Water is the source of energy since the late 1970s and again it is increasingly critical natural resource in many countries in the world in centuries to come.

In Peninsular Malaysia, although has average rainfall of 2.470 millimeters (mm) a year, it still is not enough water to accommodate the needs of the population in case of a long drought.

For example, in 1997 / 1998, countries facing water crisis with a long six months until the state has caused some serious disruption of water and many dams and water reservoirs center decreased with many and partly dry.

Following the crisis, countries have time to think about the need for a support system of water that can be used to accommodate the water supply if such a crisis happen again.

Currently, the existence of many rivers perennial and annual rainfall in Malaysia cause water usage to only concentrate surface water.

Despite the abundant surface water resources-full compared to the total demand, shortage of water resources, and ration supply disruptions often occur in this country.

The key issues facing the water sector in the country today is the willingness of water resources, supply and pollution. Negative impact on water sector to the secondary welfare state such as flood, landslide and slope failure.

Did you know that Malaysia has a water storage below ground surface (subterranean water) is more adequate for use by Malaysians. In addition to clean, free from germs higher mineral content than water reservoirs, it is also safe and healthy drinking.

Ground water is not a new thing to our society. Before any technology continues to drain the water pipes in the house, we use water from wells that dikorek own water from rivers or near. Construction of wells when the technology is affordable and easiest when people do that.

Al-Quran itself there is mention about the importance of water out of the rocks under the surface.

In Surah al-Baqarah ayat 60, Allah Almighty says which means, "... and remember Moses prayed for water for his people, We said: "Strike the rock with your staff (and hit it) then, knew that 12 miles from the fountain ...."

In some developed countries in the world such as in Denmark, Switzerland, Korea and the United States has long been using ground water as the country's water resources and their individual needs.

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